Online Virtual Poetry Workshops

As long as there is a need for online poetry workshops, I’ll be here to provide the service!”  –

Since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak where most of the world has been encouraged to practice social distancing, many programs have been quick to move to online. 

Long before the pandemic I was already in preparation for an end-of-the-month workshop in March. After the first pilot workshop, I asked the attendees if they were interested in doing it again for National Poetry Month in April and they were as excited as I was!

Since then, we’ve conducted another workshop in May and I look forward to hosting another in June. As long as there is a need for online poetry workshops, I’ll be here to provide the service!  

As a preview for all MVP’s (Most Valuable Poets like you!) I recorded the workshop that took place in May but unfortunately had several technical difficulties. My audio didn’t pick up, and the screen recorder stopped every 10 minutes. This was a bummer because I was talking a lot to the poets in attendance but I was also addressing those who would’ve been watching on YouTube. There were so many valuable teaching moments and so much laughter and insight that I wish I was able to share with you but— I guess you had to be there. And because this is the nature of every workshop, it’s best to experience it for yourself! 

I still edited what was salvageable of the video while assisting my silence with voiceovers that helped illustrate how my workshops are conducted. All of the recorded audio from the workshop attendees were the result of guided questioning and good poetic dialogue.

So How Do My Workshops Work?

My workshops are generative, meaning that the point of the session is to generate work free of critique. The point of this is to simply create in a safe space among several like-minded individuals and build community online.

How Long Are the Workshops?

Workshops are broken up into a 90-minute mini-lecture with breakout sessions. The usual schedule is as follows:

  1. Introduction
  2. Freewrite
  3. Topic Lecture
  4. Close Reading
  5. Prompt 
  6. Share & Discuss
  7. Closing

Class Size?

The workshop optimally runs with a maximum of 6 people. Depending upon attendance, classes can range from 4-6 attendees.

What Has Been Discussed So Far?

The best taught workshops are made up, but not limited to these two things— craft techniques & thematic elements in your writing. The following are titles of past workshops:

Prose Poems, Responses to Illnesses and the Future

Understanding Our Obsessions Through Point of View 

Memory & Negotiating the Truth

When are the Workshops?

The workshops take place near the end of each month, either on a Saturday or Sunday. The time depends on the location of who is attending the workshop as we are all operating in different time zones. As the workshop component of Dimitri Reyes Poet grows, I will do my best to plan workshop times comfortably and affordably. 

Where are the Workshops Held?

Workshops have been held through Skype & Google Hangouts and I am currently deciding which works best.

What’s the Cost?

The workshops are $20USD per 90-minute session. 

Payments are preferably accepted through Venmo and Cash App.

How To Sign Up?

Fill out my contact form.

Subscribe to my blog for post updates and I encourage you to check out my Patreon and Teespring accounts for more poetry community and merchandise!




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