5 Questions to Ask When Editing

Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest "A truly great writer is one who can dedicate time to the revision process." dimitrireyespoet.com Revising and editing is probably the most important stage of the writing process. You can have a writer that has a natural drive to be creative so they produce, but without paying careful attention to the words on the page, the writer may not get their message across clearly. Revising, which in this case means to change or fix mistakes, and editing, which in this case means to add information, assures that your work is concise and easy to read. It also makes sure that there aren’t silly misspellings and/or misinterpretations. If you write anything from poetry to nonfiction, these two steps should always be done. This is why many experienced…
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6 Reasons YOU NEED TO ATTEND a Poetry Workshop

Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest "You become part of a solar system where you as the writer function as one of many planets revolving around the sun that is the workshop leader." - dimitrireyespoet.com Poetry workshops are very important.  In order to hone your skills, it is suggested that you don’t only put in the work, but you have others peer into your process as well. As writers, we sometimes get tunnel vision while pouring pixie dust all over our work. Writing in a group or having others look at our work brings us back to reality. It can also give you an edge with your own writing career. Here are 6 of those ways. 1. Encourages You to Write This will be the first but not the last time I’ll…
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5 Poetry Films on NETFLIX

Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest “... poetry brought to the screen is what you think poetry brought to the screen would be: an interpretive art form being interpreted into another art form.” - dimitrireyespoet.com When I first started taking poetry seriously, I wanted to ingest it all at once. Like eating at a buffet, I wanted to keep shoveling down plates of backstories and poems until I got my money’s worth and I was beyond full. I looked for it everywhere: I googled “poetry near me,” I scoured the poetry sections in my library, I tried to go to any poetry events, and I even searched for poetry films when I was too tired of reading. I was doing this the year that Paterson was in theaters and as a poet…
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3 Poetry Tips for the Beginning of Your Poem

Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest “Poetry is the consistent seeking of humanity and our souls can find the answers they seek in poems.” - dimitrireyespoet.com Craft is… an arsenal of different tools and techniques at the poet’s disposal to create a great poem. This can involve different ways one knows how to structure the aesthetics and narrative of a poem by using different poetic techniques and devices. The Beginning Tools in our craft toolbox should include all of those things we need to structure a good beginning. When you’re in high school and essays are being discussed, a good topic sentence or hook is essential. The same goes for poetry. If you hook the audience early, the reader will be so invested into your work that they will simply trust you…
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5 Poetry Exercises

Exercises, Uncategorized
Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest "Tell yourself  you are brilliant,  even if you’re stuck!"  - dimitrireyespoet.com You may be turning to this post because of some dreaded writer’s block, but have no fear! It’s common that all writers have those moments where work is hard to generate. In those moments, writers may try to get inspired by reading, watching a movie, or taking a walk, they may take a break from their work for awhile, or they’ll give themselves an exercise to get themselves going again. Rest assured, that after reading these Five Easy Poetry Exercises, you can add these to your tool bag of creating tricks as well. 1. Write from Existing Material From the world of fanfiction comes the recreation of poetry. In recent years there has been heated…
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5 Tips for Writing Poetry

Tips, Uncategorized
Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest "No matter what you are reading, in some shape or form it will influence the work that you are producing."  -dimitrireyespoet.com 1. Make Sure You Can Thrive in Your Environment First and foremost, you have to get comfortable. Now being comfortable can take shape in several forms. Certain writers want to be in a specific setting to set a defined mood. For example, you've all heard of the "Starbucks writers." The reason those writers exist is because they like being in a space where there are a bunch of public things going on and everything just becomes white noise. So they're hearing all this stuff but they're really not listening to it. In turn, they're able to focus more on their writing. Other people like myself,…
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Writing Routine Vs. No Writing Routine

Tips, Uncategorized
Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest "A bad poem today prepares you for a good poem tomorrow."- dimitrireyespoet.com Hello poets. A question that I often pondered when I first started my writer’s journey was how often I should be writing. This was a particularly burning question that gave me some bouts of anxiety, especially when I was a student in an MFA program. I was in search for some definitive answer, some textbook paragraph that would tell me the appropriate hours I needed to put in, but what I found out was (as I would about many things in the creative writing world)  that the answers to many my questions were riddled in ambiguity and preference. The truth is, a question like, “How often should one be writing?” is a query even…
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From Youtuber to Blogger

From Youtuber to Blogger

Instagram Youtube Facebook Pinterest "Waddup all of my MVP's and welcome back to my channel" ... is something I've gotten accustomed to saying over my two- year span on YouTube. For those of you who have been following me since I stood teetering from 30-50 YouTube subscribers or for those of you who poked around my website, you'll know that I have been servicing the online poetry community with tips and advice on how to write poetry. Starting out, I didn't know how much time it would actually take to make a YouTube video. As like many of you, I thought it was just as easy as turning on the camera and speaking but I didn't expect how difficult it could be to speak to a lens of a camera…
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What Should Beginner Poets Write About

Tips, Uncategorized
Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest "Memory is every poet’s ace because the richness of the material comes from yourself as you exist today, looking back at the person you once were." -dimitrireyespoet.com You may ask yourself, "What am I going to write about?" If you've asked yourself this question then you've already started the process of writing. There are two main ways to begin writing and they come from the speaker's perspective. The speaker is usually in fact the poet, but because poets can write about some pretty intense things they call it the speaker to create a distance. The speaker can also come in two forms: one is called the innerspeaker and the other is the outerspeaker. Outerspeaker The outerspeaker is the more general out the two voices. They can tackle…
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