Free Poetry Lesson for Kids/ Children

Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest "If you are a kid that likes to write poetry, you need to keep writing!"  - Hi, poet! Writing is so much fun, isn’t it? As a teacher, I want others to be the best they can be. If you are a kid that likes to write poetry, you need to keep writing! That’s how you can get better. The easiest way to do that is to tell yourself that you can write and read and get better with more practice.  Poetry is fun because it’s different than writing in paragraphs. In poetry, instead of focusing on topic sentences, details, and a closing, your feelings are the most important. I want you to know that how you are feeling is the most important. Before we…
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Personalized Poetry Services on Patreon

Personalized Poetry Services on Patreon

Professionalism, Services, Tips, Writing Process
Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest "After getting to know the client and their goals, each month we work towards achieving them."  - In case you are wondering, here is a breakdown of my Patreon services. What is Patreon? Patreon is a membership platform in the United States where an artist’s audience can subscribe for a certain amount of money each month and expect exclusive rewards and perks. Essentially, Patreon is a platform that helps artists get paid by those who patronize their work. How Does My Patreon Differ? Normally, artists will allow their patrons early access to content, have them take part in secret polls that influence their next project, or they’ll send their patrons something each month. Instead of that, I use Patreon as a 3rd party subscription service…
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6 Enjambment Poetry Techniques

Tips, Writing Process
Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest "Furthermore, an (enjambment) will dictate the way your audience will receive the next line, adding a subconscious structure for the audiences interpretation of your images and/or narration."  - For those of you who don’t know what enjambment is, it’s simply the carrying over of one thought/sentence/ or phrase to the next line. For example: i'll use the phrase "He called himself Armando."HeCalledHimselfArmandoThis means that every thought/phrase/ or sentence doesn’t have to remain on that same line. Yes, you are actually able to take your sentences and ideas and hook a piece of it onto another line whenever you want! But as with everything in poetry, intentions should be set consciously. In order to illustrate this, look at two different versions of my poem, "For Armando," that was…
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How to Start a Poem

Tips, Writing Process
Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest "A beginning is an initiation of a pact— where an experience will be shared between the reader and the writer."  - A good beginning is essential to hooking in your reader and there are so many ways to do them. You should think of a beginning as a promise between the reader and the writer that they will both see it through to the end of the poem. A beginning is also an initiation of a pact— where an experience will be shared between the reader and the writer. Think focal lengths. The beginning description that puts into question what the rest of this narrative is going to be about.  Here is a list of beginnings and snippets to consider. Beginnings give the reader a specific…
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4 Stages of the Writing Process

Tips, Writing Process
Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest "By the time you get to articulation, there shouldn’t be a reason that you are staring at a blank page."  - This theory discusses 4 main stages of the creation process. Whether you are a baker, a builder, a school teacher, mathematician, aesthetician, gamer, or homemaker— the process of creation is always the same. The essence of this theory is simply the process in which we make decisions. For every choice we make, there is a varying time we spend preparing, meditating, doing, and reflecting on each situation we choose to face. As a creator, we are in a constant state of acute decision making, and understanding the 4 stages of the creation process will help reassure you that even when a poem isn’t being created…
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How Should You Title Poems?

Tips, Writing Process
Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest "To determine if your title is good, you have to ask yourself why you chose it in the first place."  - For the beginner poet, a title is among the first things that are written off as an afterthought. But when we consider the many things that make great poetry; tension, connotation, diction, line lengths, the title should be included on that list, too. As the first cluster of words (or single word) that the reader sees, everything rests on the title. It has the responsibility of communicating what was left out in the piece and is where the audience receives some general context to what is being expressed. " if you don’t work your body to top physical condition in order to carry the weight…
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6 Beginner Poetry Mistakes

Tips, Writing Process
Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest "The only way to get the true sense of an emotion or event is to ask the poets. Their jobs are to scrutinize the processes of an ecosystem when others cannot see the forest from the trees."  - Disclaimer: This post isn’t JUST for college students! As a poetry professor, I saw a lot of different poems and even though I was hired to teach them, each poem taught me something. Whether the poems needed extensive work, some work, or were on their way to being good enough to submit (after some begging!) I saw undergrads generally make the same mistakes and thought I’d share them. So after seeing the beautiful and the poetically grotesque, here are 6 Beginner Poetry Mistakes that many undergraduates do. 1)…
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5 MORE Tips for Writing Poetry

Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest "There's a sensation of accomplishment upon completing one piece that is multiplied when the creator scans across several poems that are close to completion. This is due in part to the fact that the poems, no matter how different, will be in conversation with one another."  - 1. Look for Themes in Your Work You can benefit most from this tip if you have already wrote several poems. An invigorating part about the poet's writing process is standing back and looking at what the poet has created. There's a sensation of accomplishment upon completing one piece that is multiplied when the creator scans across several poems that are close to completion. This is due in part to the fact that the poems, no matter how different,…
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10 Types of Poetry Stanzas

Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest "Regardless of the motives of the poem, the stanzaic formation should usually be aimed at assisting the reader in “getting what they need” from the material."  - Stanzas dictate how your poem looks on the page and they’re usually broken down numerically. If you have a 1 lined stanza, that’s a monastic. How I wish my silk shirt was a guayabera If you have a 2 lined stanza, it’s a couplet. How I wish my silk shirt was a guayabera short sleeved and woven loose. A 3 lined stanza is a tercet. How I wish my silk shirt was  a guayabera short sleeved and woven  loose so the air could breathe through.  A 4 lined stanza is a quatrain. How I wish my silk shirt…
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5 Tips for Submitting to Literary Magazines

Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest "...publishing is a practice that creates a piece of the writer's identity... it also proves to be validating."  - Many moons ago when I started calling myself "poet" I learned that I would have to "walk the walk" in order to do so. Doing this meant that I had to also be able to "talk the talk." In other words, I had to develop the language to be the poet, and the way one develops the language is solely through participation. As I mention in many of my practices, one needs to be the active poet to find their own success as a writer and to be clear, success doesn't mean awards and status (although that'd be nice!) but success is ultimately measured by how happy…
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