How to Write a Poetry Bio for Beginners

How to Write a Poetry Bio for Beginners

Interviews, Professionalism, Publishing, Services, Writing Process
Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest "At one point I had no idea what to put in my writer’s bio when I was first published and I had to scramble to find out the best way to go about it."  - One of the most satisfying things that come out of working with my Patreon poets are the ways in which they improve each time we speak to each other. They’re proof that as long as the writer is always looking forward and working on themselves— whether that’s by reading, writing, or creating in a myriad of different ways— there is incremental improvement in their work. Emerging poet, Cathlin Noonan is a great example.  Quite recently, Cathlin has received her first publication acceptance (yay!) and reached out to me seeking counsel…
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How to Write a Poetry Cover Letter

How to Write a Poetry Cover Letter

Professionalism, Publishing
Instagram Facebook-f Youtube Pinterest "Maintaining your composure and remaining level headed through your career allows you to observe yourself objectively and this is very important for your work and how you choose to navigate your spaces."  - As you can gather from my countless blogs about writing poems, revising poems, publishing, professionalism, and more, just about everything you put on paper has to be considered when you plan on publishing your work. One of those everything’s involves writing a cover letter which is often needed with just about every submission. Though there isn’t a precise way to write one, there are some things you should consider when you draft it. It needs to be clear and straightforward with a glean of confidence and professionalism without seeming too pretentious. I’ll…
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How You Should Be Titling Poetry Submissions

How You Should Be Titling Poetry Submissions

Professionalism, Publishing
Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest "Many factors contribute to a submission being accepted but the quality of your work should always be top priority."  - Very recently, I put together a How to Sign Up for a Submittable Account video where I discuss how to register, why Submittable is important, and some tips on how to navigate the website. Upon the release of that video, a poet who I know personally brought up some interesting questions as a follow up to submitting poems, one of them being if titling your submissions, “x Poems” as in “3 Poems” or “5 Poems” will hurt your chances of getting your poetry looked at.  This was an excellent question because in actuality, there’s no cut and dry answer. Every publisher operates uniquely and this…
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6 Reasons to Publish Your Poems

Professionalism, Publishing
Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest "Yes, own the fact that you are a poet."  - When I first started my MFA program, I quickly started a slight obsession with submitting because everyone else in the program was. I didn’t stop to realize that my colleagues were at different points in their writing career than I was and I had yet to discover that each writer has their own path. It wasn’t until another MFA candidate who is now a dear friend of mine said, “you have to ask yourself why you are submitting. Submitting shouldn’t be more important than writing” that I discovered that I was thinking about it all wrong. Technically, I didn’t even know why I was submitting beyond the fact that my community was so with this…
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7 Ways to Publish Poetry

Professionalism, Publishing
Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest " We’ll never be the same writer we were when we first started writing, heck, every time we write a poem, we are more experienced than we were during our last writing session." - First ever poetry feature! 1st pub.  (Peeking Cat Poetry Dec 2016) There are many milestones in a writer’s life and each achievement is special. I remember when I wrote that poem that really solidified my speaker’s voice and my first featured reading. Everyone also remembers their first publication and whether they’re ecstatic about it or a bit hesitant to tell people because it doesn’t mean a thing to them unless it was a paid gig. It’s an event that is christened into memory. Authors that have continued to publish even get…
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